W.I.S.E Women Bible Study

Bible Study for today’s Christian Woman.


You’ve tried to study the bible before. You get off to a good start - but it doesn’t stick. Life happens, you get busy, or you just forget (#realtalk) which leaves you discouraged and feeling like you’ve failed again.

Does any of these sound familiar?

✔ You're constantly saying you don’t have time to study.

✔ You're always starting and stopping.

✔ You feel the time you’re spending with God is not “good enough”

✔ You're frequently thinking “I’m not sure I’m doing this right.”

Imagine what it would feel like if you felt confident in your ability to study God’s word.

What if I told you that you could...

✔ Make time for bible study

✔ Develop a deeper relationship with God

✔ Understand what you study

✔ Feel confident sharing that knowledge with others


W.I.S.E Women Bible Study

Bible Study for today’s Christian Woman

A woman learning more about Biblical Womanhood

With W.I.S.E Women bible study, you can:

A woman on a park bench signing up for a bible study about Biblical Womanhood

1. Learn to use the time you have for Bible study and stop believing the lie that it’s not enough.

Woman holding hands and praying at a biblical womanhood bible study

2. Develop a deeper relationship with God and learn not only His character but His heart.

An open bible used for bible study

3. Gain biblical knowledge that will help you live your faith out loud.


Your life before W.I.S.E Women Bible Study:

  • Feeling like you are not good enough or worthy of anything good

  • Wondering if your life will always feel this empty

  • Seeing the same patterns and behaviors on repeat, but not knowing what to do about them

  • Living a life that shows few or no signs of Godliness

Your life after W.I.S.E Women Bible Study:

  • Knowing that through Christ you are more than enough and worthy of all He has for you

  • Living life on purpose and with purpose

  • Knowing how to break strongholds and generational curses

  • Understanding that you are called to be set apart and to look different than those in the world.


Let’s learn more about God, together.