
If we haven’t met yet, my name is Tiffany and I’m a Jesus girl who is passionate about helping women live their best life NOW! I simplify biblical womanhood for Christian women so that they can go from defeat and regret to living their faith out loud without ever having to say a word.

How did I get here? Well, twenty-five years ago I married my childhood sweetheart and was ready to live a life of happily ever after. You know….. the life where the guy works hard, is super romantic and always says (and does) the right things. Where the wife is beautiful, a great cook, an amazing housekeeper and the best wife and mom ever. Oh and I almost forgot; the life where they have lots of great sex. THE END

But, instead of the life of my dreams, I felt like I was living out a nightmare. There were never-ending disagreements, constant hurt feelings, ongoing silent treatments and no grace. I spent a lot of time praying that God would change my husband, but one day the Holy Spirit gently whispered to my heart that God wanted to change me.

Now, even though I never felt like I was the problem 😉, I reluctantly agreed and yielded to what God wanted to do in my life, which was to change me from the inside out. That day I began the journey of learning about biblical womanhood, and that journey has changed not only my marriage but my life. God has shown me, through his Word, the type of Christian, wife, mother, daughter and friend that he created me to be. I allowed God to transform my mind and found the freedom that walking in my purpose brings.

Now, I want to help amazing women like you - women who are ready to raise up, challenge the culture and step into a life aligned with the Word of God.

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Biblical Womanhood for Today’s Christian Woman

I get it. I’ve been where you are. Wanting better, but always feeling like it was just beyond your reach. But by following biblical principles I am living a life of abundance.

So if you’ve ever been paralyzed by the lies of the enemy, held hostage by fear, or overcome by negative thoughts, you’re in the right place.

Here you’ll learn how to recognize the lies of the culture, break free of the bondage of your past and walk in the victory that belongs to you through Christ.

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“If you’re looking for a dynamic Bible teacher with a heart for Christian women, Tiffany is your girl. Tiffany has spoken at two of my online conferences, and her deep understanding of scripture, anointed teaching, and heart for God is second to none. I highly recommend her for your events as she will deliver!”

— Carlie Kercheval, CEO, and Co-Founder of Marriage Legacy Builders

“Tiffany's voice is needed in the world today. She speaks biblical truth that is coupled with wisdom and wit. She fiercely loves the Lord and authentically lives out her faith. Getting to know Tiffany has been a gift.”

— Abby Rike Rockenbaugh, Rock This Revival

“Using the 5 Verses to Pray Over Your Marriage was an excellent tool and thought-provoking exercise for my marriage. I loved the way each verse gives us a way to reflect on how the Bible guides us through challenges. I made an extra copy and did the verses with my husband. This was a great communication tool! Looking forward to the next challenge.”

— Chelle Sanders, customer

Are you ready to change your life?


Fun Facts about me.

I LOVE the beach

  • About 10 years ago, my husband and I started spending every anniversary at the beach.

  • Each year we pick a new beach to explore the wonder of God’s creation and I pick new restaurants to explore the best seafood creations. 😉

  • My secret desire is to retire to the beach one day. P.S. - I took this photo.


I am a huge Ohio State fan

  • I was born and raised in Ohio which means that I bleed Scarlet and Gray.

  • Not only do they have the nation’s top football team, but they also have The Best Damn Band in the Land. Go BUCKS!!

  • We can still be friends, even if you’re a fan of “TTUN” (That Team Up North), but I will need to add you to my prayer list.


Cooking is my THING!!

  • I spent my summers in Alabama with my grandmother and great-grandmother and besides showering me with lots of love, they also taught me to cook.

  • I have been making full meals since I was about 10 or 11 years old.

  • My specialty is soul-food

The why behind it all!

You were not created to go through life alone. Here you will find a community that will walk alongside you, celebrate your joys, sharpen your faith, and encourage you in your journey. You will be challenged to grow in wisdom as you build your life on the unshakeable Word of God. You will learn to filter every decision through the lens of the Word so that every decision you make can be Word Inspired and Spirit Enhanced.