The video series is on the way to your inbox.

But if you really wanna take your sex life from Oh my gosh 🙄 to “OH YEAH!”, then take a look at this.

Prayers to Pray

for a Better Sex Life

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Your head knows that God created sex to be exciting and pleasurable but you can’t allow yourself the freedom to walk in that knowledge

  • You feel guilty about sexual boundaries that you compromised in the past

  • You have a “Let’s just get this over with” attitude when it comes to sex

  • You struggle with feeling dirty because of past sexual trauma

Imagine what your marriage would be like if you and your husband couldn’t get enough of each other. 😉

What if I told you that you could...

✔💋 Heal from your past beliefs and trauma

✔ 💋Silence the negative “sex talk” that fills your head

✔💋 Develop a better body image

✔ 💋Give yourself fully to your husband (emotionally, physically and spiritually)

✔ 💋Learn to have a mutually fulfilling sex life

✔ 💋Break free of the things that God says “No” to when it comes to sex

✔💋 Didn’t have to fake a headache


Prayers to Pray for a Better Sex Life

Companion Workbook

With the “Prayers to Pray for a Better Sex Life” companion workbook, you can:

1. Address the lies and wrong thinking you have about sex and replace them with truth from the Word of God.

2. Learn how to give yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually to your your husband.

3. Learn what God says is not OK when it comes to sex with your husband.


What People Are Saying:


Using the 5 Verses to Pray Over Your Marriage was an excellent tool and thought-provoking exercise for my marriage. I loved the way each verse gives us a way to reflect on how the Bible guides us through challenges. I made an extra copy and did the verses with my husband. This was a great communication tool! Looking forward to the next challenge.

— Chelle Sanders

If you’re looking for a dynamic Bible teacher with a heart for Christian women, Tiffany is your girl. Tiffany has spoken at three of my online conferences, and her deep understanding of scripture, anointed teaching, and heart for God is second to none. I highly recommend her for your events as she will deliver!

— Carlie Kercheval, CEO, and Co-Founder of Marriage Legacy Builders


Your life before Praying for a Better Sex Life:

  • Believing Lies about sex

  • Being ashamed of your body

  • Not sharing “all of you” with your husband

  • Struggling to know what’s OK when having sex

Your life after Praying for a Better Sex Life:

  • Knowing the truth about sex from the Word of God

  • Being “naked & unashamed” in from of your husband

  • Experiencing true intimacy with your husband

  • Knowing exactly what things God says “No” about


It’s time to finally have sex the way God intended.

Here’s what you get:

List the main elements included in your product/service.


1. Feature

[Explain this feature here].


2. Feature

[Explain this feature here].


3. Feature

[Explain this feature here].

For $17 You Get

  • Video teaching on the following topics:

    • freedom/healing from past wrong thinking and sexual trauma

    • Body Image

    • Giving yourself fully to your husband

    • How to have mutually fulling sex

    • Breaking free of things that God says “No” to

  • Daily email check-in’s

  • A 53-page workbook that includes

    • Reflections, Questions and Activities

    • Prayers

    • Note Pages

    • SOAP bible study pages for daily scripture study

  • Digital Format

    • Print immediately and start learning

  • Everything you need to start on the path to fun, free, and fulfilling sex with your husband

  • BONUS: 2 Mobile Lock Screens

  • BONUS: Printable Prayer Cards


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4. Frequently asked question here?

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