Biblical truth for Christian women, so that you can be counter cultural in your walk with God.

A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down Proverbs 14:1


Learn the truth about…


Biblical Womanhood

The church has done women a disservice by only talking about biblical womanhood in the context of being a wife and mother. Learn about biblical womanhood as it relates to having a heart submitted to God in fear and reverence and why biblical womanhood is more than being a submissive wife, diligent homemaker, and loving mother.

Biblical Literacy

Going to church is not enough! You are called to go and make disciples. To do that, you must be able to communicate the “Good News” to others. To accomplish this, you must read, study, comprehend and live out the Scriptures. It is easy to say you love God, but remember that you cannot love what you do not know.

Biblical Marriages

Our marriages are our first ministry. However, so many women are giving their best service to others and leaving the scraps for home. Our marriages need more than love to survive. They need respect and honor of the marriage covenant. This is shown through a commitment to our vows, service to each other and obedience to God’s word.

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Do you want to serve the kingdom of God, but feel like there is never enough hours in the day. Is so, click the button below to find out what God says about our homes being our first ministry.

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I’m a wife, mother and unapologetic Jesus girl. I help women like you discover the truth about biblical womanhood so that you can walk out your purpose, increase your biblical literacy and improve your relationships.

If you’ve ever experienced a longing for more, you’re in the right place. I’m a work-in-progress that’s willing to share my triumphs and failures in an authentic and honest way as we journey together towards a deeper relationship with God.

Through my “no-nonsense” approach, you will gain the confidence and knowledge you need to become the woman God has called you to be, as you live a life that is Word Inspired and Spirit Enhanced.



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